Malawi HIV Program Data 2016 Q3
Modified 3 months ago, Tomasz SabalaPatient- level data are routinely collected by health staff using standard monitoring tools. This file contains facility-level aggregates that have been generated by facility... -
Malawi Intergrated Clinical HIV Guidelines 4th Edition (2018)
Modified 2 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThese guidelines standardise clinical management of HIV positive patients and of HIV exposed children using an integrated approach. They also incorporate relevant protocols from... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2018 Q1
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 751 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 739 (static) ART sites; 642 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines 3rd Edition (2016)
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThese guidelines standardise clinical management of HIV positive patients and of HIV exposed children using an integrated approach. They also incorporate relevant protocols from... -
Quality Improvement Report 2014 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis report shows all sites where specific challenges have been marked on our standard service quality checklist and/or where the supervision team has recommended the site for... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2018 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 757 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 750 (static) ART sites; 632 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2018 Q2
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 752 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 744 (static) ART sites; 617 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2018 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 757 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 747 (static) ART sites; 633 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2017 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 751 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 737 (static) ART sites; 626 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2017 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 751 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 737 (static) ART sites; 615 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2017 Q1
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 751 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 722 (static) ART sites; 628 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2017 Q2
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 751 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 730 (static) ART sites; 615 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaScale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 751 static and 225 outreach HIV testing sites 732 (static) ART sites; 627 of these started at... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaA summary of the key achievements between July and September 2016 is provided below: Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 724 static... -
Malawi Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (MPHIA) 2016: Preliminary Findings
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThe Malawi Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (MPHIA), a household-based national survey, was conducted between November 2015 and August 2016 in order to measure the status... -
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaHIV and AIDS Research Papers and Best practices -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q2
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaA summary of the key achievements between April and June 2016 is provided below: Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 724 static (579... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q1
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaA summary of the key achievements between January and March 2016 is provided below: Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 724 static... -
PMTCT-ART TWG Meeting 2015-02-05
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaMinutes and Program updates from various sections at DHA -
PMTCT-ART TWG Meeting 2015-11-06
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaPresentation and Meeting Minutes for PMTCT and ART Sections -
Quality Improvement Report 2015 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis report shows all sites where specific challenges have been marked on our standard service quality checklist and/or where the supervision team has recommended the site for... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2015 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaA summary of the key achievements between October and December 2015 is provided below: Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 724 static... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2015 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaA summary of the key achievements between July and September 2015 is provided below: Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 724 static... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2015 Q2
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaA summary of the key achievements between April and June 2015 is provided below: Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 724 static (579... -
Malawi TB Program Report 2015 January - June
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the first report from TB program on integrated TB/HIV supportive supervision. This report is compiled based on two supervision for period covering January –March and... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2015 Q1
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 15th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between January... -
Malawi TB Program Report 2014
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 14th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between October... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2014 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 14th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between October... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2014 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 11th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between July... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2014 Q2
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 11th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between April... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2014 Q1
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 10th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between January... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2013 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaA summary of the key achievements between October and December 2013 is provided below: Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: 825 static... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2013 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 9th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between July and... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2013 Q2
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 8th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between April... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2013 Q1
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 7th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between January... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2012 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the 5th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between July and... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2012 Q1
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the third quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines1 in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2011 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the second quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines1 in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2011 Q3
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the first quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines1 in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between July... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2012 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis is the sixth quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between... -
Malawi HIV Syphilis Sentinel Surveillance Report 2007
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaSurveillance in antenatal clinics has been the primary source of data for monitoring trends of HIV and syphilis to provide estimates for tracking the epidemic in Malawi. The... -
Malawi HIV Services Situation Analysis 2006
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThe fifth annual countrywide Situational Analysis (SA) of HIV/AIDS services in Malawi for 2006 was conducted between March and June 2007. Information was collected by a team... -
Malawi HIV Syphilis Sentinel Surveillance Report 2005
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThis report presents findings from the Malawi 2005 antenatal clinic (ANC) sentinel surveillance and results of the National HIV Prevalence Estimates and Projections workshop.... -
Malawi HIV Services Situation Analysis 2005
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThe fourth countrywide survey of HIV/AIDS services in Malawi for 2005 was conducted between 13th February and 17th March 2006. Information was collected by a team of Lighthouse... -
Malawi Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines 1st Edition 2011
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaThese guidelines have been developed to standardize clinical management of HIV positive patients and of HIV exposed children using an integrated approach. They also incorporated... -
Malawi HIV Syphilis Sentinel Surveillance Report 2010
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaHIV surveillance is conducted in selected antenatal clinics in Malawi on a regular basis. Initially the surveillance was conducted once every year but from 2001 the surveillance... -
Malawi Blood Safety Report 2010
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaPassively reported data from hospital laboratories on blood transfusion services was incomplete for 2010. Therefore, a comprehensive survey of all hospital laboratories was... -
Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2010 Q4
Modified 3 years ago, Tomasz SabalaBetween October and December 2010, 7,209 (79%) of 9,083 women attending ANC who were known to be HIV positive received ARVs. This represents 40% PMTCT coverage among the...