Malawi ART HTC Program Report 2008 Q2

By the end of June 2008, there were 207 health facilities in Malawi in the public and private health sector delivering ART to HIV-positive eligible patients. In the second quarter of 2008 (April to June), there were 19,849 new patients registered on ART (37% male, 63% female; 91% adults and 9% children). By the end of June 2008, there were 184,405 patients who had ever started on ART (39% male, 61% female; 91% adult, 9% children). Cumulative treatment outcomes by end of June were: 66% alive and on ART at the site of registration, 11% dead, 11% lost to follow-up, 12% transferred out to another facility (and were presumably alive) and <1% stopped treatment. Of the 121,707 patients alive and on ART:- 96% were on the first line regimen, 4% were on an alternative first line regimen and a small proportion (less than 1%) were on a second line regimen.

By the end of June 2008 there were 32 sites with over 1,000 patients alive and on treatment and 10 sites with over 2,000 patients alive and on treatment. Of the 10 sites with more than 2,000 patients 4 did not have an electronic data system in place.

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Program Area Care and Treatment
Year 2008
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