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On April 15, 2022 at 9:07:11 AM UTC, francis Chimwemwe Mkandawire:
  • Removed author from Malawi ART HTC Program Report 2007 Q2

  • Removed author email from Malawi ART HTC Program Report 2007 Q2

  • Updated description of Malawi ART HTC Program Report 2007 Q2 to

    _Public sector:_ By the end of June 2007, there were 109 facilities in Malawi in the public health sector delivering ART free of charge to HIV-positive eligible patients. In the second quarter of 2007 (April to June), there were 14,799 new patients started on ART (38% were male and 10% were children. By the end of June 2007, there were 110,075 patients who had ever started on ART (39% were male and 8 % were children). Cumulative treatment outcomes by end of June were:- 69% alive and on ART at the site of registration, 12% dead, 10% lost to follow-up, 9% transferred out to another facility (and were presumably alive) and <1% stopped treatment. Of the 76,166 patients alive and on ART:- 96% were on the first line regimen, 4% were on an alternative first line regimen and a small number (246) were on a second line regimen. _Private sector:_ By the end of June 2007, there were 37 facilities in Malawi in the public health sector delivering ART at a subsidised rate to HIV-positive eligible patients. In the second quarter of 2007 (April to June), there were 444 new patients started on ART (50% were male and 4% were children). By the end of June 2007, there were 4,300 patients who had ever started on ART (52% were male and 4% were children). Cumulative treatment outcomes by end of June were:- 75% alive and on ART at the site of registration, 7% dead, 4% lost to follow-up, 13% transferred out to another facility (and were presumably alive) and <1% had stopped treatment. Of the 3,232 patients alive and on ART:- 93% were on the first line regimen, 6% were on an alternative first line regimen and 1% were on a second line regimen.

  • Changed the license of Malawi ART HTC Program Report 2007 Q2 to License not specified (previously None)

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