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On April 28, 2022 at 8:06:01 AM UTC, Gravatar Towera:
  • Removed author from Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q3

  • Removed author email from Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q3

  • Updated description of Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q3 to

    A summary of the key achievements between July and September 2016 is provided below: * Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites: * __724__ static (579 within, 145 outside of health facilities) and 188 outreach HTC sites * __732__ (static) ART sites; __639__ of these had started at least one pregnant or breastfeeding woman this quarter * __369__ sites with patients in pre-ART follow-up * __669__ sites with HIV-exposed children in follow-up * __872,393__ persons were tested for HIV and received their results; __252,930 (29%)__ accessed HIV testing for the first time;__ 619,463 (71%)__ were repeat testers and __40,384 (7%)__ of these received confirmatory testing (after having tested positive in the past). __36,253 (4%)__ clients received a positive result for the first time. * __17,337 (98%)__ of __17,765__ blood units collected were screened for (at least) HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis. * __146,596 (96%)__ of __151,941__ women at ANC had their HIV status ascertained; __11,183 (7%)__ of these were HIV positive. __130,260 (99%)__ of __132,451__ women at maternity had their HIV status ascertained 9,690 (7%) of these were HIV positive. * __41,994__ patients started ART this quarter; 53% of these were classified as asymptomatic / in WHO stage 1 and started under the new “Test & Treat” policy. * __662,788__ patients were alive and on ART by end of September 2016. This means that 68% of the estimated __979,000__ HIV positive population was on ART. 1 ART coverage was 65% (52,721 / 81,000) for children2 and 68% (610,067 / 898,000) for adults. * __76%__ of adults and __79%__ of children were retained alive on ART at 12 months after initiation. Actual retention rates are thought to be about 10% higher due to misclassification of ‘silent transfers’ as defaulters in clinic-based survival/retention analysis. (see section 15.4) * __575,763 (93%)__ of __620,164__ patients on first line adult ART were on TDF/3TC/EFV. * __12,083 3 (89%)__ of an estimated __13,500__ HIV infected pregnant women in Malawi were on ART this quarter. __7,555 (63%)__ of these were already on ART when getting pregnant and __4,483 (37%)__ started ART during pregnancy/delivery. * An additional __1,284__ breastfeeding women started ART due to Option B+ (in WHO stage 1/2) * __77%, 71%, 65% and 65%__ of women started under Option B+ were retained on ART at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after initiation, respectively. * __8,880 (7%)__ of infants discharged alive from maternity were known to be HIV exposed, __8,683 (94%)__ of these received ARV prophylaxis (nevirapine). __8,065 (93%)__ were enrolled in exposed child follow-up before age 2 months. * __11,362__ HIV exposed children and __1,818__ pre-ART patients were enrolled for follow-up in HIV Care Clinics (HCC) during this quarter.

  • Changed the license of Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2016 Q3 to License not specified (previously None)

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