Malawi TB Program Report 2015 January - June

This is the first report from TB program on integrated TB/HIV supportive supervision. This report is compiled based on two supervision for period covering January –March and April –June 2015 The following are summaries of key achievement and challenges.

  • TB registration sites have reached 281 with reported 276 TB microscopic facilities of which 226 were reported functional during the supervision

  • Forty health facilities provided Xpert service

  • A total 8582 health facilities TB cases were notified during the reporting period of which 92% were new or relapse cases

  • Case detection rate has been minimal as proportion of presumptive TB among OPD visitors was less than 1%

  • Smear positive rate among presumptive TB cases was 9.1% with 15642 presumptive TB cases examined in a laboratory in quarter 2 of 2015

  • The number presumptive TB cases documented in chronic cough register was 9233 of 15642 (59%) presumptive TB cases examined in a lab

  • The estimated treatment success rate among smear positive TB cases for the period was 86% with death rate 5.8%. The death rate was higher among EPTB, smear negative and retreatment cases.

  • Smear follow-up at 2nd and 5th month was 70%__and __62 % respectively

  • Of all notified cases 94% had HIV test result, with 52% positivity rate and 95% ART coverage during Apr-June 2015

  • 13 MDR /RR TB patients were started on second line treatment during first semester of 2015.

Overall case detection effort was minimal. NTP intend to improve case detection through strengthening the systematic TB screening in health care setting, community interventions and referrals and implementation of contact investigation. The integrated supportive supervision has also shown improvement over time, however, requires more action to capacitate supervisory skills of supervisors.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Program Area Care and Treatment
Year 2015
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