Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2013 Q3

This is the 9th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between July and September 2013 is provided below:

  • Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites:

    • 825 static (607 within and 218 outside of health facilities) and 534 outreach HTC sites

    • 675 (static) ART sites

    • 590 PMTCT sites (Option B+)

    • 628 Pre-ART sites

    • 605 sites with HIV-exposed child follow-up

  • 405,278 persons were tested and counselled for HIV and 36,807 (9%) were HIV positive; 145,572 (36%) people tested for the first time.

  • 12,646 (95%) of 13,299 blood units collected were screened for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis.

  • 128,022 (83%) of 153,561 women at ANC had their HIV status ascertained; 9,988 (8%) of these were HIV positive. 122,392 (93%) of 132,279 women at maternity had their HIV status ascertained; 9,337 (8%) of these were HIV positive.

  • 25,551 patients started ART during this quarter; this is similar to the previous quarter (26,802).

  • 459,261 patients were alive and on ART by end of September 2013. This is equivalent to 74% coverage of the estimated 602,000 population in need of ART (all ages).1 Estimated ART coverage among children (<15 years) and adults was 47% and 81%, respectively.

  • 78% of adults and 80% of children were retained alive on ART at 12 months after initiation.

  • 309,127 (73%) of 424,961 on first line adult ART were on regimen 5A (TDF/3TC/EFV).

  • The proportion of ART patients with documented side effects declined from 7% to 2% compared with the previous quarter.

  • A total of 11,788 HIV positive pregnant women were on ART: 5,041 (43%) of these were already on ART when getting pregnant and 6,747 (57%) started ART during pregnancy/delivery. This is equivalent to 75% ART coverage among the estimated 15,750 HIV infected pregnant women in Malawi this quarter. 6,429 (95%) of pregnant women started ART due to Option B+ (in WHO clinical stage 1 or 2) and 318 (5%) due to a low CD4 count and/or WHO clinical stage 3 or 4.

  • An additional 1,831 breastfeeding women started ART due to Option B+ (in WHO stage 1/2)

  • 6,057 (79%) of 7,677 women started under Option B+ were retained at 6 months after ART initiation; 6,630 (72%) of 9,205 were retained at 12 months after ART initiation.

  • 8,564 (7%) of infants discharged alive from maternity were known to be HIV exposed, 7,941 (93%) of these received ARV prophylaxis (nevirapine). 5,734 (67%) were enrolled in exposed child follow-up before age 2 months.

  • A total of 10,258 HIV exposed children and 8,884 pre-ART patients were enrolled for followup in HIV Care Clinics (HCC) during this quarter.

  • 162 medical staff were newly trained and certified in PMTCT/ART this quarter. This brings the total number trained in the 2011 guidelines to 5,985.

  • 1,243 HTC providers were re-trained using the HTC Skills Intensive Training curriculum, bringing the total number re-trained to 3,776.

  • A total of 921 staff at 235 sites in 19 districts received clinical mentoring during. 104 staff graduated, 250 were in intensive and 350 in continuation phase this quarter.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Program Area Care and Treatment
Year 2013
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