This is the 5th quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical
HIV Guidelines in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between July and September
2012 is provided below:
Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites:
810 static (607 within and 203 outside of health facilities) and 322 outreach HTC sites
641 (static) ART sites
573 PMTCT sites (Option B+)
562 Pre-ART sites
561 sites with HIV-exposed child follow-up
579,509 persons were tested and counselled for HIV and 44,916 (8%) were HIV positive;
226,243 (39%) people tested for the first time. 268,119 (46%) of all tests performed during
this quarter took place in August during the 2012 National HIV Testing Week campaign.
119,587 (76%) of 156,778 women at ANC had their HIV status ascertained; 9,837 (8%) of
these were HIV positive. 114,897 (87%) of 131,779 women at maternity had their HIV status
ascertained; 9,491 (8%) of these were HIV positive.
29,707 patients started ART during this quarter; this is an increase from the previous
quarter (26,909) and meets the target of about 30,000 patients to be initiated on ART per
quarter under the 2011 PMTCT/ART guidelines.
391,338 patients were alive and on ART by end of September 2012. This exceeds the
projected number of ART patients (389,737) for this quarter by 1,601 (0.4%).
62,371 (17%)_ of __362,754 on first line adult regimens were on ART regimen 5A (tenofovir / lamivudine /
83% of adults and 84% of children were retained alive on ART at 12 months after ART
A total of 10,588 HIV positive pregnant women were on ART: 2,614 (25%) of these were
already on ART when getting pregnant and 7,974 (75%) started ART during
pregnancy/delivery. 7,754 (97%) of those newly initiated started ART due to Option B+ (in
WHO clinical stage 1 or 2) and 220 (3%) due to a low CD4 count and/or WHO clinical stage 3
or 4.
An additional 2,689 breastfeeding women started ART due to Option B+ (in WHO clinical
stage 1 or 2), bringing the total number started on ART under Option B+ to 10,663.
83% and 79% of women started under Option B+ were retained at 6 and 12 month after
ART initiation, respectively.
8,700 (8%) of infants discharged alive from maternity were known to be HIV exposed; 8,109
(93%) of these received ARV prophylaxis. 3,778 (43%) were enrolled in exposed child followup
before age 2 months.
8,490 HIV exposed children and 9,161 pre-ART patients enrolled for follow-up in HIV Care
Clinics (HCC) during this quarter.
184 health workers were trained and certified in the new integrated PMTCT/ART curriculum
during Q3 2012, bringing the total number re-trained in the new guidelines to 4,839. An
additional 25 tutors from training institutions were trained in the new curriculum.
171 health workers were trained and certified in PITC; 33 new basic HTC counsellors were
trained and certified; 17 new HTC trainers were trained.