By the end of September 2010, 237,621 patients were alive and on ART in Malawi, equivalent to 60% coverage of the estimated population in need of ART. There were 406 ART clinics (296 static clinics and 110 outreach /mobile clinics).
Out of the 326,440 patients ever initiated on ART, 237,621 (73%) were retained alive on ART, 38,065 (12%)__had died, __49,747 (15%) were lost to follow-up (defaulted) and 1,392 (<1%) were known to have stopped ART. 78% of adults and 74% of children were retained alive on ART 12 months after ART initiation. An estimated 216,449 adults and 21,172 children (<15 years) were alive on ART by the end of September 2010.
In the third quarter of 2010 (July to September) a total of 18,579 new patients initiated ART. 4,598 ART patients
transferred between clinics (20% of the total 23,241 new ART clinic registrations). Among new registrations
40% were male, 60% female; 90% were adults and 10% children.
The number of infants starting ART in the second quarter of 2010 in WHO stage 1 or 2 with confirmed HIV
infection (DNA-PCR) remained similar at 105 (previous 107) , while children under 18 months starting due to
presumed severe HIV disease increased from 138 to 153.
The delayed release of funds in 2009 has continued to affect the supply chain for ARVs during quarter 3, 2010,
as drugs continued to arrive late and in small batches, requiring several rounds of distribution and re-location of
remaining stocks. The scheduled June consignment only started to arrive in October 2010. However, 2
emergency orders, procured from ‘cost savings’ with UNICEF arrived between June and September 2010.
These emergency supplies included 1,000,800 tins of first line regimen (Triomune), 15,000 Triomune starter
packs, 2,000 tins of Lamivudine, 2,000 tins of Nevirapine and 700 Bioline test kits. As of September 2010, total ARV stocks in country and in pipeline are estimated to last until mid 2011.
In June 2010, MOH management endorsed a change in PMTCT and ART and infant feeding policy. The
National policy guidelines based on the new recommendations have been developed and approved by MOH.
Work on the new guidelines continues and implementation is scheduled for July 2011.