Malawi ART HTC Program Report 2008 Q1

Public sector:

By the end of March 2008, there were 157 free-standing facilities in Malawi in the public health sector delivering ART free of charge to HIV-positive eligible patients.

In the first quarter of 2008 (January to March), there were 17,642 new patients started on ART (39% male, 61% female; 91% adults and 9% children. By the end of March 2008, there were 159,111 patients who had ever started on ART (39% male, 61% female; 92% adults and 8 % children). Cumulative treatment outcomes by end of March were:- 67% alive and on ART at the site of registration, 11% dead, 11% lost to follow-up, 11% transferred out to another facility (and were presumably alive) and <1% stopped treatment. Of the 106,547 patients alive and on ART:- 96% were on the first line regimen, 4% were on an alternative first line regimen and a small number (468) were on a second line regimen.

Private sector:

By the end of March 2008, there were 45 facilities in Malawi in the private health sector delivering ART at a subsidised rate to HIV-positive eligible patients.

In the first quarter of 2008 (January to March), there were 669 new patients started on ART (44% male, 56% female, 95% adult, 5% children). By the end of March 2008, there were 6,076 patients who had ever started on ART (51% male, 49% female, 95% adults, 5% children). Cumulative treatment outcomes by end of March were:- 70% alive and on ART at the site of registration, 7% dead, 9% lost to follow-up, 14% transferred out to another facility (and were presumably alive) and <1% had stopped treatment. Of the 4,243 patients alive and on ART:- 92% were on first line regimen, 7% were on an alternative first line regimen and 1% were on a second line regimen.

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Field Value
Program Area Care and Treatment
Year 2008
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