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Malawi Integrated HIV Program Report 2012 Q1

This is the third quarterly HIV Program report after implementation of the 2011 Integrated Clinical HIV Guidelines1 in July 2011. A summary of the key achievements between January and March 2012 is provided below:

Scale-up of integrated HIV services had reached the following number of sites:

810 HTC sites (565 within and 245 outside of health facilities)

595 (static) ART sites

528 PMTCT sites (Option B+)

504 Pre-ART sites

493 sites with HIV-exposed child follow-up

440,763 persons were tested and counselled for HIV and 47,629 (11%) were HIV positive;

186,487 (42%) people tested for the first time.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Program Area Care and Treatment
Year 2012
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